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Published on Tuesday, Mar 7th 2023.

Clemence Audiard and Zuzu Sweet had a fun night out, now they’re hiking home, weaving and stumbling along their step along the way but they still didn’t have all the fun they wanted. Zuzu, unfortunately, didn’t get dicked, so she wants to do something crazy at least. They discover a window into an underground lab and break into it through a window. Clemence thinks they shouldn’t be there, but Zuzu reassures her that it’s ok, after all, they will just check if there’s some booze and continue with their night. They find a fridge, full of vials. Zuzu thinks they’re some homemade stuff so she bottoms up one of the vials, and then another one. Unfortunately, it’s not really it all tastes like water. Clemence turns on the lights and it’s when they discover that it’s a weird lab. Zuzu’s stomach starts to cramp, she falls to the ground and starts to get sick while Clemence panics around the room. Zuzu’s face changes, she becomes aggressive, and horny, and pulls Clemence to the ground. She’s pa

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