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Published on Tuesday, Jul 23rd 2024.

<b>Being a driver, you run into all kinds of customers. Some are friendly, others are the angry bunch, and then you run into your on-the-go business worker. And last but not least, you have your party goers! They’ve had a long night and have no gas left in the tank. And that’s exactly what I had in my back seat this evening. Well, she was fine; her other half was not so much. She asked me if I could help her bring him into their house, which normally would be “absolutely not!” But she was sexy as fuck and promised me a big tip! So I bring him up the stairs, and she has no BIG TIP for me after all! But to my surprise, she was horny, and he wasn’t fuckin anything in his state. So she gave me access to her big tits instead! along with that pussy and mouth! Now that’s how you show your appreciation!</b>

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