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Published on Wednesday, Jul 24th 2024.

Larissa and her big breasts are in bondage with hands and legs bound by ropes, unable to move.<br>Mrs A had a hearty dinner with the most traditional Brazilian dish: feijoada! When the gases accumulate she approaches Larissa to dump all the gaseous stench in her face! She starts off calm, farting next to Larissa and watching her reactions. As time goes by, she brings her ass closer and closer to the girl s mouth, interspersing ass licking and increasingly intense farts!<br>Larissa is delivered. Motionless, she can only absorb and smell the gases that invade her nostrils. She can t do anything but sniff and lick. And curiously she licks more and more intensely after the farts started to be on her face!<br>And you can be a privileged spectator of this moment!

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