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Published on Thursday, Aug 8th 2024.

I was going to meet my friends but before I went out I had to pee! My toilet was broken again for some reason... <br><br>I couldn t take it anymore! <br>I went into the shower stall and peed my shorts before I could take them off!<br><br>What should I do? <br>I m late for a meeting!<br><br>I saw that my jeans were next to me and I decided to suit up! When I put on my tight jeans I had to pee again...<br>So I peed my jeans too hehe... I needed to clean it up somehow so I decided to take a shower right in my clothes...<br><br>While I was showering I played with my pussy a little and when I was about to take off my jeans I peed on them again!<br>I guess I m not going to the meeting today...

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