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Published on Wednesday, Aug 7th 2024.

I m a GIANT straight guy 2 meters tall (6 7 tall) and my thighs are ENORMOUS: my thighs are 80 centimeters long (32 inches long): at the gym, at the adductors machine, my enormous muscular thighs open and close themselves alone with a weight of 150 Kg (330 Lbs): imagine if you finish with your head closed in my HUGE MUSCULAR THIGHS with my cock up...... In this video I ve opened MY ENORMOUS THIGHS toward the videocamera and you will see A MASSIVE CUMSHOT with billions and billions of spermatozoa ejaculated by me in a white thick dense sperm, all in a superb quality video in 4K at 50 frames per second....... Imagine to swallow all that thick dense white cum full of billions and billions of spermatozoa........

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