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Published on Saturday, Apr 27th 2024.

The beautiful insertion Goddess ‘ CrazyWifeSlut ’ stars in this outrageous update, stretching her insatiable, horse sized cunt on the XXXL ‘LW Tip’ dildo from ‘Hankeys Toys’, till it’s a cavernous, prolapsing wreck! This flawless, blond, bombshell never stops amazing us with the extremity of her insertions! She’s one of the hottest women we know, that loves to destroys her ass and cunt to such severe levels! Wether it’s two fists in each hole, or the most enormous dildos ever made, CrazyWifeSlut devours them all and it’s so fucking arousing to watch! The most exciting gift you can give this insatiable beauty is a new colossal dildo, which is exactly what she has in this scene and couldn’t wait to devour! The massive ‘LW Tip’ measures 13” long x 4.5” thick, with a very pronounced head that’ll wreck any hole brave enough to fuck it! See CrazyWifeSlut devour this beast and totally devastate her snatch! She stands it on a chair, squats over the head and sits down it’s shaft with all her we

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