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Published on Wednesday, Nov 23rd 2005.

Super vixen Tereza Fox is back to combine leg and foot play with some pussy action! Laying out on her bed with a big black rubber dildo in her mouth and fully naked right off the bat! She bends over showing off those sexy toes with a nice shot of her gorgeous beaver in the doggy position. It s winkin at ya, say hello!<br>Some gorgeous HD shots of that treasure trove between her legs half way stuffed with a perfect hedge of hair that s tastefully trimmed! I don t know about you, but that looks the beginning of a buffet line to me! All you can eat, and sugary sweet, Mmmmm, mmm! She holds her dildo diligently with her feet and gives us a glimpse of what ti would be like to have her in cowgirl position! Awesomeness to the second power!

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