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Published on Friday, Sep 21st 2001.

Welcome our sultry Svitlana in hot lingerie making all the guys rise to attention! The black haired Ukrainian beauty is quite the stunner and hot legs and feet managed this wicked hot set where she is strutting around in black lingerie, her belly tattoo and not much else!<br>We find the short haired doll hanging out in her make up room, stunning blue eyes and torpedo titties captivating on-lookers. Her long legs propped up on a shelf showcasing her shiny high heels. She soon shows us how flexible she is and gives us a nice glimpse of her juicy waffle fin before bending over and winking at us with her asshole. What a gal! My favorite shot of her is when she s perched on the stool licking her high heels and pulling her panties to the side giving us full view of her love snack. But it doesn t end there, watch for yourself, she s absolutely amazing!

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