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Published on Thursday, Sep 12th 2024.

The fate of civilization as we know it lies in a very rare and potent Venom that is possessed by only one man: The Incredible King Cobra. When Katrina Thicc learns of this, she immediately knows that she must receive an injection of this rare and powerful Venom at any and all costs, but it comes with danger. The powers that be want to capture King Cobra and control his Venom for their own evil purposes, so he has to move cautiously. Katrina Thicc is unaware of the danger at first, but even after realizing it, she knows that she must receive King Cobras Almighty Venom and is willing to risk it all to get it. <br>Edit<br><b>Status</b><br>Published<br>Unpublished<br>Scheduled<br>Start date &amp; time (EDT, UTC-04)<br><br>Tags. Big Ass

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