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Published on Wednesday, Oct 23rd 2024.

Alice has to be one of the hottest hotwives out there! She puts the HOT in hotwife, Its ridiculous. She is the hottest blonde I have ever fucked! She s beautiful, blonde, blue eyes, and damn near perfect. Her ass is shaped like a literally peach. <br><br>And I am a sucker for blondes, so you already know I fucked the shxt out of her. At the end of the session, she was a hotmess! I ruined her make up so bad. She had mascara everywhere from deep throating my big dick until it disappeared! I fucked her throat like no tomorrow and she kept asking for more as she struggled and that made my BBC even harder!<br><br>She asked for me to put her on the edge of the bed to fuck her throat upside down and I fucked her throat until she begged me to stick my big cock deep insider her. I fucked her hard and fast, made her cum. I picked her up and fucked her some more and then I couldn t resists planting my seeds inside her whilst she was riding my big cock so good! I had to creampie her and send her b

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