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Published on Wednesday, Nov 20th 2024.

What a satisfying sight to have Larissa tied up, lying in the pose with her ankles and legs tied together with her wrists. She is only wearing white denim shorts, but six of her are exposed. I m sure everyone agrees it s an incredible sight.<br>While she tries to regain her movements I begin my exploration of her mouth, tongue and breasts. Larissa s tongue is sexy and I use the drool on my hands to moisturize her big, perfect nipples. They are firm breasts, which my hands squeeze and manipulate to return the tongue and rehydrate them with Larissa s drool. I could spend years doing this, but her pink soles awaken my desire, and I go to touch them, smell them and feel them. Fear and apprehension make the soles of my feet have a characteristic smell, which stimulates and excites me!<br>I tickle the soles and also use the spur to cause some pain. She screams a few times, but I keep going.<br>I resume the cycle, returning to her face, her mouth and her breasts, but this time I masturbate he

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