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Published on Friday, Sep 30th 2011.

Bruno is quickly distracted from his newspaper as Angelica lays down on the sauna bench, crossing her shiny wet legs and showing off her mahogany-polished toenails in front of his obviously susceptible mouth. After studying her feet for several moments, Bruno kisses them while they re still in the flip-flops, until Angelica drops her towel and begins to rub his boner with the soles of those shoes. You ll feel it s almost like your own jutting johnson that s between her size 7.5 feet as she jacks him off, switching to various positions on the bench.Bruno takes off one of her flip-flops and sniffs it while she strokes his cock with her foot in the other shoe. She feeds her left toes into his mouth while she tugs him with her right sole. Then she gets in the doggie position on the bench and pulls on his cock that way, before finally laying him down below her and footjobbing his meat until he squirts all over her ankles and insteps. Then she puts the shoes back on while licking the cream off her feet. Nice job, Angelica!

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