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Published on Tuesday, Aug 16th 2011.

First timer from Romania gets cozy in front of the DDF cameras. Dressed casually in this scene with some jeans, black sweater top, and uggs boots, Clara seems like an innocent girl next door type. That is until she peels her top off and shows you the nicest set of tits Ive seen in at least a day! Once she slides her panties off you start figuring out that in Romania the girls are created with quite the full packages as she reveals long tanned slender legs that she quickly pops over her head like a pretzel! Very bendy indeed, in fact she pulls her sexy, perfectly manicured feet ( Which she states to us that she loves very much! )up to her mouth after giving a 3 dimensional view towards the camera and puts a few toes in her mouth. A few more close ups of those 5 toed lovelies and tight shots of her snatch as she waves to us goodbye with her little piggies, rounds off this video casting. Let s hope this blonde haired cutie comes back to DDF for some more action soon!

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