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Published on Tuesday, Aug 9th 2022.

Angell Summer is a very pretty actress, who is just back from the U.S.A. There, she has been making scenes with the best of all times and Terry tells her that we would like to do the same thing here in Spain. So as this beauty is explaining how people work over there, we do everything that she asks us to do. But don t be a fool! Kemaco is Kemaco, and we don t care that much about the rules and stuff of other countries. We do prefer our own methods and it is much more fun anyway. So, in the end, after so many explanations, Terry fucks her in the ass without any regrets; we made her swallow Terry s dick without asking for permission and he fucked her pussy with no feeling of any guilt. Do you really think, somebody can tell us how we have to fuck? No!

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