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Published on Sunday, Aug 19th 2012.

Naughty coeds Angelina Crow and blonde Kissy are far more interested in drawing penises on notebook paper and nuzzling each other than doing their homework, and when their campus friend Mike Angelo stops in on his way back to his own dorm room, they have a whole other distraction to enjoy! Kissy has heard (just that very day in the burger joint near the football field) that Mike has a huge “you-know-what” and she whispers that alleged fact to Angelina. Soon the girls take the situation in hand to find out if the rumor is true, and it isn’t long before they know it is! (That s called "empirical evidence" according to their class in General Science 101.) In the drop of an eyelash, both girls are licking and stroking Mike s impressive stiffie. He’s at their mercy (happily, we might add!) as they pull off his duds and treat themselves big time to the taste and texture of his long curved dick. Soon he gets them out of their clothes too so that he can taste Kissy’s quim before she gets back to throating his johnson. And wow, does Angelina ever enjoy blowing his boner! What a big smile she has! She lathes his nuts while Kissy takes over the sucking, then they both worship his shaft simultaneously as Angelina licks the middle of the shaft while Kissy vacuums the tip. Angelina is really wild over Mike’s meat, and Kissy, being a good pal, keeps encouraging her BFF to enjoy it, every last single fleshy inch. Their mouths race over his rocket with ever-increasing excitement until finally his load squirts out. Angelina happily observes as the spray lands on Kissy’s tongue, and then she shifts the tip over to her own mouth so she can also enjoy the salty splendor of his semen for herself!

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