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Published on Thursday, Jun 7th 2012.

Let’s kick off our celebration of the UEFA Euro 2012 with Abby Anjelica, a Russian cutie all dressed up in a football uniform! Wow, we can’t help but wonder what she’s got underneath it all, and as if she can read our minds, she doesn’t keep us waiting too long to start shedding those colorful duds.First she starts out with some awesome footwork, getting herself all hot and sweaty and demonstrating her prowess with the ball. Hey, we’d like to see her prowess on OUR balls! And she knows we’re itching to get our personal Tool Tuggin’ Tournaments going as well, so after huggin’ the ball for awhile, and posing like a soccer pinup on the green, she gradually loses everything but her socks and cleats and starts fingerbangin herself to fruition, right there on the court! She sure looks pretty perched on the ball, which makes a cozy seat for her caboose, as she slides her digit into her nice juicy slot. Look at her spread out and ready for bangin’! This girl would be a serious distraction on any court!

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