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Published on Thursday, Sep 29th 2011.

Straight from the Russian federation comes a tasty black haired beauty by the name of Lana! Luscious in every way, she s about to get her poonie railed today by Eric in various boner popping positions!The scene opens up with Lana laying in her bed with her red clam open and inviting Eric to massage its troubles away. A precarious blue stuffed animal stands by watching the action and thinking in its little head ( Wow, she s about to get stuffed too! ). Some really good jacking shots follow as Eric twists and bends Lana s torso in various positions while stuffing her with his tool. A panning shot of the camera reveals another group of stuffed animals that have joined in to watch the pussy pounding. Little perverts! The stuffing occurs in every hole that Lana has, her anus, her quim, and down her throat, which is where the final glue is spurted into. She is now officially a stuffed toy!

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