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Published on Friday, Oct 5th 2007.

Nikita & Eve just moved into their new flat and it was time to straighten up a bit, but the naughty teens soon started playing around. They licked and played with each others tits and nipples getting each other aroused, slowly working their way all the way down and licking each other horny snatches. These two girls are both still very young and are always looking to try something new and with the vacuum cleaner so close they couldn t resist the temptation that it had to offer. They placed the nozzle of the vacuum on their hardened nipples for a suck and stuck it in their mouths. These two teens had a naughty good time making sure they both got off. Needless to say they never finish cleaning their flat but tomorrows a different day, but I m sure that we already know where that s going to lead.

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