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Published on Wednesday, Jun 14th 2023.

Kymber &amp; Scott are waiting for Misty to show up so they can go to the in-laws. Unfortunately Misty shows up late and Kymber DOES NOT like her outfit. Kymber makes her change…but not before she gives step daddy a “hand”. Later in the kitchen, she forgets to get her StepFather a present for his special Day. She says it’s “late” but she concocts a plan to give him a “Special Gift”. Kymber takes away her phone because she’s always on it and distracted. Lastly, when they are getting ready for bed, Misty is determined to get her phone back by making her StepDad be more “compliant”. Stepdad gives Misty more than her phone…<br>Tags. StepDad, Creampie

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