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Published on Sunday, Nov 8th 2020.

ALL 100% real &amp; very serious desperation. SO serious, she can barely walk to not jiggle and overflow her bladder. We had just finished another (non-pee) video and she somehow finished that video &amp; then told me she s about to piss herself. That s when I kept filming her! Watch her slowly knock knee hobble to gingerly &amp; carefully change her clothing &amp; we check the front porch but the neighbors are out there &amp; she really couldn t wait or hold it any longer! It starts with a slow trickle into her skintight yoga pants &amp; then a HUGE flood, streaming right through the material &amp; sounding like a faucet while splashing onto the floor, her bare feet, everywhere! I m a HUGE fan of seeing the strong stream of pee right through the crotch! No cuts or edits to video. We talk about real life accidents as she peels off her pissy yoga pants to show her Victoria Secret cotton panties &amp; wet butt! It s cute cuz she gets all shy talking about real life accidents<br>Tags : pi

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