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Published on Monday, Feb 10th 2020.

CUte girl next door Olivia Kassidy rushes home only to realize she s locked out of the house!! She s dying to pee and is literally ready to piss her pants! she makes a frantic call to her roommate but she won t be home for a bit. She starts leaking into her ridiculously tight jeans, but she manages to stop leaking and keep it all in for another few minutes before its coming out again!! helplessly, she wets her jeans as she s sighing and moaning... leaving a puddle underneath. her roommate comes home and she s trying to hide the HUGE wet streaks on her jeans to no avail... <br>Cute behind the scenes bit where she talks about real wetting accidents she s had in the past! She s still kinda shy and cute about all of it.<br>Tags : pissing, pee, peeing, wetting, omo, omorashi, female-desperation, jeans-pee

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