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Published on Monday, Jun 11th 2007.

Ok so I am a reality tv who isn t these days I just love those jackass guys so I just wanted to pay my respects to them with a tribute episode with the biggest jackass I know and love to fuck. Only Problem is it turns out he isn t much good for anything but a fuck. I lined up all kind of crazy stunts for this installment but he chickened out of all of them. I managed to get him on the skateboard and in a freshly filled pool at the end of winter as long as he got to fuck me. So he is not as badass as reality tv gods but it was still fun watching him make a fool of himself just for a piece of me hehehe I love the poor of my pussy any ways why dont you guys write and let me know what you would do for some ass, kind of like that icecream comercial, maybe I should do the same for you guys what would I do for for some cock and balls ok I am getting a little to retarded now gotta go bye bye xxxooo Brandy

Performers: Brandi Belle, Cuba


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