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Published on Monday, Mar 12th 2007.

Now im not much for gambling but when someone bets me that i cant do something when i absoulutely know that i can theres no way im backing down. My dushebag of a cameraman actually bet me that i couldnt make this guy cum in maybe i could understand the bet if it was that i could only use my feet or maybe only jerk him off with my left hand or i dont know but this idiot actually bet that i couldnt get this guy off in minuets by ways a blowjob!!! Are you kidding me??!! I mean who gives a better bj than me..really...i mean really!!! so i didnt get this actual time it took but theres now way it took me over 10 minuets...come to think of it now though i do remember thinking he took longer than i expected he seemed very nervous about the camera and all...hmm maybe i shoudl check but im almost positive i got him off in ...uh oh....i guess i should check...hehe i hope i dont look stupid after all this shit talk...enjoy the blowjob!!

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