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Published on Monday, Oct 30th 2006.

I know how you guys love the public stuff and you guys know how i always aim to please. ALthough i do have to apologize since you guys are missing alot of the footage we shot for the intro of this shoot since my cameraman decided to stay out way to late the night before we shot this. Luckily i notice he was shooting basically with his eyes close before i started giving a blowjob to the this guy Pike i think his name was...anyway so yeah this guy came into the bathroom was pretty cool about me being in there seeing as its the mens room at all and he didnt take much persuausion to get a bj from me on camera...that was when i noticed my cameraguy falling asleep so i slapped him around a bit which this Pike guy seemed to enjoy watching (weirdo!) and he woke up so that you guys get to enjoy the wonderful Bj in the mens bathroom at a gas station.

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