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Published on Sunday, Jun 4th 2006.

I ve always considered myself a girl who knows her way around the bedroom...while i know im no sex guru i never thought of having a tutoring session held in my bedroom, but i must say thanks to my new good friend Ellecee i actually have added a few new interesting tricks to my bag of trix. Ellecee is what you guys would consider a milf which if memory serves me correctly stands for a mother inside lovely furniture..wait wait no thats not it ummmmm mother in longing firehose, wait wait...oh right MOTHER ID LIKE TO FUCK thats right!!! now i just need to be tutored in how to not make stupid jokes hehe :)lol anyway ellcee showed me alot and boy was she hot nice huge firm boobies amazing body over all i you would never know she was a mom. Anyhow we all had a great time (especially Jeremy who was our test subject) i learned a lot of new approaches in how to make you guys cum quicker louder and fuller may i suggest to you guys with girlfriends maybe showing them this little instructional

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